Black Diamond Rings / Black Diamond Engagement Rings

Black Diamond Rings / Black Diamond Engagement Rings - Monroe Yorke Diamonds

Noire - Black Diamond Engagement Ring 3.40ct

Noire - Black Diamond Engagement Ring 3.40 Carats


Everyone is looking for something different, something dramatic and alluring – and the Monroe Yorke Diamonds collection of Black Diamond rings and black diamond engagement rings is certainly that. Dramatic, glamorous and dangerous, and of course exquisitely designed and cut by the Monroe Yorke Diamonds master craftsmen, no other diamond engagement ring will attract such comment.


Where is the Black Diamond Found

The Black Diamond, is found in the Central African Republic and Brazil in alluvial deposits. It has a natural colour of dark grey or black, and has a very strong luminescence – an attractive property to diamond purchasers.

Global News About the Black Diamond
Recently, the world's most expensive dress was unveiled by British designer Debbie Wingham. The handmade dress which took six months to sew by hand, sparkles with 50, 2 carat black diamonds, along with white diamonds and gold thread. It's price tag is a hefty £3.5 million and her most extravagant diamond designed dress to date. Of course, for your black diamond ring you don't need to part with such a mind boggling amount of dollars. At Monroe Yorke Diamonds, we have an extensive and exquisite selection of black diamonds, so loved by celebrities – singers, actresses and those who just love high fashion, the dramatic and the alluring.

Carmen Electra, Jennifer Lopez and Cheryl Cole are all well documented as being lovers of the black diamond ring, and of course, we can't forget Carrie Bradshaw, when she got engaged to 'Big' in Sex and the City and received her stunning black diamond engagement ring. Here are some real beauties from Monroe Yorke Diamonds:

 Black diamond ring with a wrap around band set with white diamonds

Miranda - Black diamond ring with a wrap around band set with white diamonds


Desir - Black Diamond Engagement Ring 2.00 Carats

Desir - Black Diamond Engagement Ring 2.00 Carats