Certified Diamonds. Why So Important?

Certified Diamonds.  Why So Important? - Monroe Yorke Diamonds

Although you may think the contrary, buying diamonds online is the best way to purchase your dream diamond engagement ring.  You may be wondering why. The answer is that all diamonds offered online are certified.  When you go to your local mall it's quite possible many of the diamonds you see have not been certified by a gemmologist or diamond grading laboratory. Yes,those little beauties sparkle and scintillate in the mall lights, but do you actually know anything about the diamond in your diamond engagement ring - the cut, the colour, the clarity and the carat weight - commonly known in the diamond industry as the 4Cs of gemmology.  

Monroe Yorke Diamonds is a renowned and trusted diamond retailer in Australia and we offer our customers only diamonds that have gone though the certification process with GIA or AGS, diamond grading laboratories. This part of the diamond purchasing process is so important that Monroe Yorke Diamonds assert in their Diamond Knowledge base, that you should always expect to receive a grading certificate with your diamond, whether a loose diamond for a custom design or a diamond mounted in a pre designed diamond engagement ring.

The 4Cs will tell you most of the points you need to know when purchasing your engagement ring.  The cut, for example will be graded on the skill of the diamond cutter, not the shape of the diamond. The colour will be graded from accepted diamond colour grades. The clarity will be graded by the nature of the diamond. And of course, there is the matter of size or carat weight. 

This is essential knowledge when buying your dream diamond.  We'll cover the 4Cs in more detail in our next posts.  Enjoy you diamond!