Diamond Colour Grading at Monroe Yorke Diamonds

Diamond Colour Grading at Monroe Yorke Diamonds - Monroe Yorke Diamonds

The coloured diamond, or fancy diamonds as they're referred to are quite rare.  

Most diamonds are yellowish brown when in their natural state, which is caused by the presence of nitrogen molecules trapped in the mineral when it was formed millions of years ago.

The less nitrogen in a diamond,the whiter it is and the more expensive and coveted - colour grades go from D - completely colourless, to Z - a beige yellow colour.

All of our diamonds  at Monroe Yorke Diamonds are independently graded by GIA, a diamond grading laboratory in the United States.  Discernible differences between D, E, and F grades are difficult to see with the naked eye, and when set in a mount, invisible.

Cut grades often change the colour of a diamond.  As the colour grade gets nearer to Z, the yellow tinge is much more visible, and when compared to diamonds of a higher grade, the difference will be much more dramatic.

For an overview of diamonds from Monroe Yorke Diamonds, visit our website at www.mydiamonds.com.au and refer to their diamond buying guides.  Their diamond sourcing page is the best way to find a special diamond, particularly if you're designing your own ring.  Here is an example of a grading report from GIA, the certificate you'll receive when you buy your own special diamond: 


Sample GIA diamond grading report